Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Porter magazine................

Porter is one of the only magazines that I buy that I actually read the articles and this month's (with Cate Blanchett on the cover) is no exception.  They have inspiring articles written by and about real women, with real careers and real lives.

I particularly like the Life Lessons page.  This month Jodie Foster gives her 'golden rules'.......

1.  "What is true? What is fake?"  With every decision I make, I ask that question.

2.  "Life does not suck, necessarily."  I was raised to believe that negativity is your safest bet - you're never disappointed.  Now I try to be positive and fool myself into believing the world is not about to end.

3.  "If you show up, something will come to you."  Instead of running around with my hair on fire, I've learned to drink some coffee, relax and just pay attention.  Once I get there, inspiration kicks in, or it doesn't.  Either way, the coffee was delicious.

4.  "You are not alone."  I am an innately solitary person.  Welcome to the age-old existential tug-of-war.  So, I try to check in with friends and resist going off the radar.  The minute I share them, my gnawing monsters don't seem so unique.

5.  "Just say no!"  I have a bad habit of taking on as many obligtions as is humanly possible.  The truth is, I can't handle the weight of 1,000 sombreros.

6.  "You gotta change."  You have to keep moving and stay relevant.  Otherwise you might as well be a crumbling concrete feather fighting a tidal wave.  I say, keep on learning things and growing creatively.

7.  "This too shall pass."  My mom always said this annoying cliche.  Grrr.  I still hate it when she's right.

8.  "Feel it now or eat it later."  Between 0 for indulgence and 10 for denial, I push a 15.  When something hurts, I get on with it.  Bad idea around world-class indulgers.  All that crying makes me run for the hills.

9.  "Experiences over things."  If you've ever had a garage sale, you know what I'm talking about.  Stuff drags you down.  Memories make up who you are.

10.  "Do the right thing."  The simplest rule to live by.  My right thing may be different from your right thing, though - be your own Plato.

via Porter magazine


Deb xx

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