Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Bergdorf Goodman...........

I've just watched 'Scatter My Ashes at Bergdorf Goodman' - twice.  Such an interesting film/documentary on one NYC's most iconic department stores and its employees.   BG is located at 58th and 5th Avenues, the former site of the Vanderbilt mansion, and takes up an entire city block.  And who knew that the top floor, seventeen room penthouse, served as the home to generations of Goodmans?

Other bits of trivia from the movie.... Elizabeth Taylor ordered 200 white mink earmuffs as Christmas presents for her nearest and dearest and Yoko Ono called on Christmas Eve and bought over $400,000 worth of furs... in today's dollars that's over $10 million.  BG discovered a young Michael Kors while he was installing his fashion in windows across the street - his net worth today is over $1 billion.  Also, a good sales person working in Bergdorf's earns around $500,000 per year!

There are so many other great stories from Scatter My Ashes and it was interesting to get a glimpse into this amazing retail institution, its history, its success and its employees who are passionate about BG and what they do there.

Bergdorf Goodman

The Bergdorf Goodman buillding - penthouse apartment
Andrew and Nena Goodman
Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton 
Halston and Barbra Streisand at BG

"Windows" book on Bergdorf Goodman's famous windows

BG Christmas windows

all photos via Scatter My Ashes at Bergdorf Goodman


Deb xx

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